How to make money with youtube

Making money with youtube 

Making money from YouTube is really your hard work of making your own videos not copied at all.
Google always check that is the video made by you or you uploaded any others. If YouTube catches that you uploaded copied video then YouTube is not going to pay for that video.
Then don't use copyright content it can delete your video from YouTube.

First of all know that YouTube doesn't really pay for "views" or "subscribers". YouTube instead pays for the advertisements which appear on your videos. Also, not every time you play a video has an advertisement. It depends if any advertiser is bidding at that time. So, it is on the availability of ads.

All your YouTube earnings are visible on your channel's YouTube Analytics. It shows how much you earned form every video you uploaded. You must connect a Google AdSense account with your YouTube account to claim the money. YouTube pays you through Google AdSense. Google pays you in different ways like direct money and other ways.

Basic steps on how you can Monetise and earn from YouTube shared below:

1)Enable monetization from settings of your channel.

2)Link google adsense account with your YouTube channel. If you don't have already then create account for adsense.

3) it is important to link adsense account to claim the money from YouTube after your videos start making money.

4)Threshold is 100$.When your videos are published, make sure you have monetization on them and select all types of ads.

5)The number of times ads are being served on your videos and the kind of CPM it has decides how much money you make. e.g. 5000 views, but only 1000 monetizable impressions (1000 times ads were shown and not skipped before 30 seconds).

6) Average CPM is 4$ to 10$. CPM is cost per mille - cost per 1000 impressions. So, you earn around 4$ to 10$ on the uploaded video.YouTube keeps 45% and gives you 55% Of your total earnings. So, your estimated earnings are different from gross earnings.

Also, your final earning might differ from estimated earnings.Also they have to pay your tax too. Which is as per the country/state tax law.
These are the basic steps and factors you need to know. There are more in-depth things to be considered. So, now you can do the maths and calculate how much you can can be vary video by video.
More popular the channel gets, more ads Google will serve on their videos. Result: more money they make.

Important :You should cross 10,000 views on your YouTube channel to review your account for monetization.
Once you cross the 10k google adsense will verify your channel for their policies and advertiser policies.
You should satisfy all the conditions for the approval of  your channel at adsense.
Then adsense will serve ads for your channel surely.
So, thank you and all the best for earnings. Go big do well success is yours.
Remember don't copy and upload other's video it violets YouTube and adsense policies. 


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